Trade With Composure:
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Consistent Profits.

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Steve 'Slim' Miller

“I find [Yvan's] writings valuable and insightful.”

Van K. Tharp

"[Yvan's work is] a great introduction to the awareness that is needed to become a profitable trader."

Gil Morales

"[Yvan] lays out a concrete and practical action-plan that [traders] can follow to address and correct their psychological deficiencies."

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Perceptive Trader

"Yvan is one of the most honest, humble, generous and kind traders I know. His writings pass those same traits ..."

Rayner teo

"I’ve followed Yvan on Twitter for years and his tweets often resonate deeply with traders around the world. This is possible only because he understands the inner game of trading."

Julian Komar

"I follow [Yvan's] work for years and I am a big fan of [his] tweets."

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Miad Kasravi

"Your conscious mind picks up 1/10 of the speed of your unconscious mind. Close the gap. [Yvan] can help you with that. The teacher shows up when the student is ready."

Steve Burns

"Yvan is my favorite trader that covers trading psychology and how to maintain the right mindset in the markets."

Guy Harry

"Everything on the Trading Composure channel is highly relevant and high helpful in helping me manage my emotions in trading. An easy decision to subscribe."

Trading Composure Meditations

Improve your trading psychology with meditation.
Available on Youtube and the Insight Timer meditation app.

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Trading Paradigm

"Yvan digs deeper into what really matters—the inner game of trading [...] His insights are invaluable for traders of all levels around the world."

Praveen G.

"I have a trading strategy and it's profitable on paper. But when trading it with real money, I get short-sighted and impulsive. [Yvan's] meditations are helping a lot."


"[Yvan's meditations] have helped me cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and mindfulness. I'm definitely less impulsive in the market and more focused on trading well."

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