Today I want to talk a little bit about intuition or gut instinct and how to test yours and improve it. This short post is particularly relevant for discretionary traders, but I’m sure systematic traders will also find it to be a worthy read. For starters, what is intuition? Simply put, intuition is knowing something without knowing exactly

I’m a trader, and I’m very fortunate to be doing what I do for a living. Financial Markets are such an interesting playground. Whether the issues at hand are possible shifts in global monetary policies, geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, great depressions, great recoveries, gridlocks in Washington, there’s always something for traders to capitalize on. It’s a real

In 2005, I was hanging out at a trading and investing club in Paris, France. There, I met a very successful trader named Francois.  Back then, I wasn’t trading full time yet, I was just dabbling, and unbeknownst to me, Francois tried to pass on a lot of his knowledge and experience to me, especially about

Guest post by Matt at Does Acquiring Market Knowledge Equal Consistent Profits?Many novice traders think that learning technical & fundamental analysis in order to be a good market analyst is the only factor involved in achieving consistent trading success. As a result, those traders get hung up on reading the most popular trading books, studying charts,

I’ve been trading for a living since the end of 2006, and over time, I have come to realize that stress is part and parcel of the job. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been trading; how much of an expert you are, at times trading will be strenuous — it’s in the job description.

Below is an interview I had with Darren Pallatina from Decision of Power. Darren picked my brain on trading, markets, and trading psychology. I hope you find it insightful. TranscriptWhat was your life like before you started trading and psychology?I don’t have a glorious background pre-trading. Grew up very poor with a single mother. She had